So you want to start a podcast?

Reuben Noronha
4 min readFeb 13, 2022


The number of podcasts has exploded over the last few years. Lack of human connection and just a bunch of extra time thanks to the pandemic led to this surge. But while formats like live audio (Clubhouse) seem to be losing steam, I feel podcasts are here to stay as another form of creative expression. There’s something about listening to someone’s voice without having to look at a screen. And unlike videos, podcasts have a low barrier to entry. If you’re a company, a podcast can be a great and low-cost way to build a stronger culture and attract talent. I wrote more about this here

I wanted to write this short piece for 3 reasons. Firstly, to share some ideas on podcasts you can start today. It’s not very hard to come up with a topic and I’ve tried to share some ideas. Secondly, I’ve had a bunch of people who wanted to start their own podcast reach out and ask where to start. I realized that putting this down on paper is probably a better option than doing so many calls (I’m still more than happy to help people get started). Lastly, I wanted to share why, even if it is for a brief period of time, podcasting is such an enriching experience, especially if you’re planning to do an interview-style podcast. I hope all this inspires you to start your podcast!

Podcast Ideas you can start today!

  1. Conversation with people you went to school/university with about what they have been up to since you all graduated. This is exactly what I did and it’s been such a great experience. Re-connecting with people after years is wonderful and people love to hear what their batchmates have been up to over the years
  2. A narrative podcast about you, your experiences, beliefs, ambitions, interests, etc. Sit down and write down 10 things that are important to you and record yourself talking about them for 10 mins each. And that’s it! This will be a great resource for others who want to get to know you better
  3. If you’re in a niche field, you could start a podcast where you have conversations with people in that niche community. This could be anything, but you gotta get super niche — air traffic controllers across the world, runners in Singapore, Mums under 30. It’s a great excuse to connect with others like you and have wonderful conversations!
  4. A bunch of friends chatting about anything.

Here’s what you need to start. Everything is free.

  1. Pick a topic. The more niche, the better!
  2. Record conversation using Zoom. With the world going remote, you no longer need to be in the same room. Across the 40 episodes I’ve recorded, I’ve never been in the same room as my guest. Pro-tip: Record using separate tracks for better quality. What you’re doing is recording separate audio tracks for each speaker instead of one. This helps when you’re editing the conversation
  3. Edit the conversation using Gargeband (Mac) or Audacity (Windows)
  4. Get free music. Here’s one of the many sites you can use
  5. Use Anchor to host. Hosting is basically uploading your audio file so that it’s available everywhere. It’s as simple as dragging your file and hitting upload. You’ll have to come up with a name and episode title, but shouldn’t be too hard. I literally called my podcast Reuben’s Podcast (the name does have a ring to it haha)

And you are live! 🎉

Benefits of Podcasting

Not excited yet? Here are a few reasons you might want to consider starting a podcast

  1. Excuse to reach out to literally anyone. Whether you’re doing it as a hobby or related to your work, inviting people on your podcast increases your chances of actually speaking with the person as compared to asking for a meeting
  2. Build a body of work. In today’s internet world, it’s getting more and more important to build a body of work and make it easily accessible to others.
  3. Learn and widen your perspective. There’s so much we don’t know and talking to others about their learnings and experiences is one of the best ways to get smarter about the complex world we live in.
  4. Become a better listener. Podcasting requires you to listen carefully and ask the right questions. This is a highly underrated and much-needed skill in today’s world where everyone seems to have forgotten how to listen and only wants to make their own voice heard. Being a good listener will take you a long way in all walks of your life
  5. Build an audience. This will help you become a “magnet” and attract people who care about similar things as you.

What are you waiting for? We’re living in a world of infinite leverage and media is one way to build it. And once you have your first episode up, drop it in the comment and you’ll surely have your first listener :)



Reuben Noronha

I write about my experiences and ideas about the future. Startups, Crypto and Living Better are themes I write the most about.